Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Discuss Work Negative Views about It. What Are the...
To discuss work, one must first of all try to define work. Once one starts to think about this definition however, one finds that there are as many definitions of work as there are people. Experts such as sociologists have been trying to reach a definite answer, yet they can never agree between them. Although it is accepted that work is that time which is not leisure, one is then confounded with trying to find a definition for leisure. Stanley Parker reached a compromise by dividing our time in five sections, merging from pure work to pure leisure. However this difficulty in defining work should point out that these many different definitions lead to different attitudes, with the result that one can never generalise. Although some†¦show more content†¦This bond also had religious implications since not doing ones duty meant sinning. From the times of the monastic revolution, work was seen as bringing salvation, and definitely not regarded with a negative outlook. Changes came about with the industrial revolution and urbanisation--as cities grew in population, people started to move away from religious conventions. This is when, according to Marx, alienation of the worker started As division of work became the norm, and technology invaded every job, the worker was alienated from his co-workers, the product of his work and became `in awe so to speak of the tools he started to use. What a difference to the times of Michelangelo, when the artisan revelled in his work! This serves to highlight the fact that technology can hinder the progression of certain qualities which should be produced by working. Remedies do exist of course; in Japan, all the workers in the company congregate to pray together before starting work. This is a way to socialise and realise that, in a company, one works as a team and not on ones own. After all, ideally, ones job should fulfil the person that does it. Work should be enjoyed, however can this ideal ever be reached, especially for the industrial worker, where work equals routine? Does not any job become routine after a while? This is debated especially with reference to those countries, already discussed, where the workerShow MoreRelatedConflict Of Conflict Management Styles1690 Words  | 7 PagesThese steps include â€Å"Preparation: identify your problems/needs/issues, arrange for a time and place to meet and talk, interpersonal confrontation: talk to the other person about your problem, consider your partner’s point of view: listen, empathize, and respond with understanding, resolve the problem: make a mutually satisfying agreement, and follow up on the solution: set a time limit for reevaluation†(Cahn Abigail, 2014). 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