Sunday, July 21, 2019
Food And Beverage Industry | Go Green Initiative Malaysia
Food And Beverage Industry | Go Green Initiative Malaysia The main objective of this research proposal is to discuss how the research process will be carried out on the selected topic. The topic for this research is Service Industry (Food and Beverage industry) perceptive on implementing Go Green initiative in Malaysia. This topic is chosen due to the fact that there is a limited research that applies to the Malaysian FB market. The purpose of this proposal is to shows how the actual research will be carried out on the topic. However, due to the limitation of the research, the research content will contain background analysis of green practices in Malaysia as well as in other counties. Other aspects of the research are based on demographic, attitude and behaviour of how the service industry has perceived in implementing such concept from its dimension of awareness, understanding and acceptance. By breaking down and studying these aspects, it will help to provide the actual information that is useful for the service industry players to become a sustainable FB industry and take initiative on such practices. This proposal will later discuss how this concept has been implemented in other countries. This is to develop a theoretical framework of these aspects and form a Go Green framework. This includes comparison of current implementations of Go green initiatives. Moreover, the research will also look into whether the government should enforce regulations on the FB industry for Go Green initiatives as default practices. Irrespective of industries, a business is governed with the intension of being Profitable, Sustainable, Productive and aims at achieving the highest level of customer loyalty towards their products and services. Achievements of profitability in businesses are focused more on increased revenue, lower cost of operations and higher profits. Long term growth, consistent revenue and profits, low cost of labour and resources, and being self-sufficient is the focus of businesses in terms of sustainability. Optimal usage of resources, Better utilization and optimal usage of assets are the main focus of businesses for productivity. Increased customer loyalty and increase in customer traffic are the focus of businesses for customer loyalty. In the above mentioned context, sustainability and productivity is a major impact to the FB organization to achieve positive profitability. As a result of industrys major impact, Going Green concept focuses service industry to become sustainable and productive with low cost, and optimal utilization of both assets and resources. Research Problem The idea of going green is relatively new to the food service industry in Malaysia compare to other industry sectors. This is due to the fact that there is limited industrial research and government regulations undertaken on green restaurant concept implementation and its practices in Malaysian market context. Malaysian FB industry is not a highly regulated market by the Malaysian government. Licenses to operate a FB outlet is not a combined effort of various agencies but limited to Ministry of Health and other licensing agencies. Department of environment and other agencies are generally not involved. The legislations / rules and laws of Department of environment and other related agencies are more concentrated on environment issues that are generated by commercial establishments in terms of pollution control and not green initiatives. Therefore, this research focuses on understanding and comprehension of various processes, methodologies and best practices for a Go Green framework for the food and beverage industry in Malaysia. There are two reasons that this research has carried out on this specific topic. Green related articles were already published in Malaysia. Environmental concerned green programmes have been implemented in Malaysia since many years ago. And also many articles that related to its programmes has being published in various sectors like waste management, green building, recycle policy, organic food sectors, hospitality and tourism sector, and etc. Especially in service industry perceptive, there are very limited or almost none have been published green related articles. Provided government regulations are not clearly specify for service industry. There available data like environmental education, green building index, green technology guidelines and process, however, there are no clear information that are stated for service industry to follow. Appendix 1 shows that industry commitment in Green initiative has increased from 2008 to 2009, thus research was analyzed by restaurant industry forecast, 2010. However, such kind of focus has not been done in Malaysia restaurant industry. These shows that service industry in Malaysia has very limited research that give clear information on Go green implementation. From this research, industry will benefit the actual information of industry players perceptive and the best suitable framework of Go green implementation in Malaysian market context. Research Objective To measure the degrees of industry awareness towards the green restaurant concept in Malaysia market context. To identify and understand existing knowledge of green restaurant concept among Malaysia market. To discover the market acceptance ability of green restaurant concept. Develop a framework for the industry to accept Go Green concept to be implemented for long term sustainability. Objectives of the research aim to understand the used of Go green concept in service industry. This is due to limited research has not been done in this particular study area in Malaysia. The outcome of the research will not only benefits to the industry players but also will give a clear framework of how industry can sustain by developing this idea. Therefore, the research will carry out to investigate how industry perceived and identify needs of framework to implement the concept. Research Questions How good is the industry player aware of a green restaurant concept? What is their understanding of the Green restaurant concept, and what is their current contribution towards going green? What is their existing methods or processes of having a sustainable business? Is the Malaysian Food and beverage market willing to accept green restaurant concept practises? Is the food and beverage industry acceptable for the Go green initiatives to be a government regulation? Literature Review Definition Go Green or Going Green is a concerned with the protection of the environment (Oxford Advanced learners Dictionary, 2000); steps to conserve energy, reduce pollution and save money (The U.S. Chamber of commerce Small Business Nation). Tauxe.C.S (2009) mentioned that green practices as a cost-saving response to the effect of high energy prices on operations and on supply and distribution chains, and these measures are valued first in terms of efficiency gains. In restaurant industry, green restaurants may be defined as new or renovated structures designed, constructed, operated, and demolished in an environmentally friendly and energy-efficient manner (Lorenzini 1994, 119) cited by Hu.H.H, Parsa.H.G and Self.J, 2010. In Union for reform Judaism (2010) stated that going green defines as the activity of adding sustainability principles and considerations into the planning process of an event or organizational or personal lifestyle. According to Ministry for the environment of New Zealand defines a sustainable industry as an industry that anticipates economic, environmental and social trends to minimise risk and takes opportunities to improve comparative advantage. A research of Schubert.F (2008) mentioned that companies across all sectors try to develop products and practices with minimized environmental effect as part of social responsible practices, but also in order to establish themselves in a new niche for consumers with environmental concerns this is also true for the hospitality and tourism industry where businesses often rely on the integrity of the environment. Hotels located in natural areas such as mountains or beaches for example, are especially dependent on the healthiness of their sites, and therefore some have been engaging in green practices and eco-tourism for several years. Restaurants however, are often less dependent to such environmental factors and have therefore shown less care for these issues. Areas of green practices Green restaurant association (GRA) explained that fully transformed green restaurant provides a comprehensive and user-friendly method of rewarding existing restaurants foodservices operations, new builds, and events with points in each of the green restaurant associations seven environmental categories. Seven categories which compiled with water efficiency, waste reduction and recycling, sustainable furnishings and building materials, sustainable food, energy, disposables, and chemical and pollution reduction. Hence, the restaurant who are pursuing for becoming fully integrated green restaurant from GRA are also require to use products like- chlorine-free paper products, nontoxic cleaning and chemical products, renewable power, and green building and construction (Wallace.A, 2005). One of the most popular going green concepts is done by practicing the 3R principle which is by reducing, reusing, and recycling the resources used, using organic products, and installing equipments with green technology. In the restaurant industry, small daily savings often make the difference between long-term profit and loss (Restaurant waste minimization guidebook, State of Hawaii). In addition, a restaurants costs go up when it installs pricey equipment to make its operation more sustainable and pay extra to source ingredients that meet sustainability standards (Going Green: Will Customers Notice? 2010). Furthermore, Schubert.F (2008) highlighted that the details of creating an Environmentally Sustainable Restaurant Industry- Green restaurant association (GRA) has also provides guideline for the following areas: Energy Efficiency Conservation: Energy efficient technologies and conservation practices exist for lighting, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, foodservice appliances, office equipment and transportation. Water Efficiency Conservation: Water efficient technologies and conservation practices exist for foodservice appliances, equipment, and landscaping. Recycling Composting: Recycling services exist for many waste products such as glass, plastic, metal, cardboard, mixed paper, grease, ink toner cartridge. Food waste can be diverted from landfills and made into nutrient-rich soil through the use of a composting service or an on-site system. Sustainable Food: Sustainable food products support the long-term maintenance of ecosystem and agriculture for future generations. Organic agriculture prohibits the use of toxic synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, irradiation, sewage sludge, and genetic engineering. Locally grown food reduce the amount of pollution associated with transportation primarily by fossil fuels. Plant-based food require fewer natural resources and create less pollution per calorie consumed. Pollution Prevention: Pollution prevention is achieved through source reduction, reuse, or improving operational practices. Recycled, Tree-free, Biodegradable Organic Products: Recycled products are made from materials that are collected from post-consumer or post-industrial waste sources. Tree-free products are made from alternative plant sources such as hemp or knead. Biodegradable products are capable of being decomposed by biological agents, especially bacterial. Organic products are grown without the use of toxic synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, irradiation, sewage sludge, and genetic engineering. Chlorine-Free Paper Products: Chlorine-free paper products are unbleached or whitened with alternatives such as hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, and ozone. Non-toxic Cleaning Chemical Products: Non-toxic cleaning and chemical products are biodegradable, free of hazardous ingredients, and are safe for people, animals and environment when used properly. Green Power: Electricity and power is available from renewable resources such as wind, solar, geothermal, small hydro and biomass. These energy sources cause dramatically less air pollution and environmental damage compared to fossil fuel, nuclear, and large-scale hydroelectric energy sources. Green Building Construction: Green design and construction practices significantly reduce or eliminate the negative impact of buildings on the environment, occupants, and the local community. Education: Education of staff on the environmental impact of the restaurant industry and a path toward ecological sustainability. Benefit of Go Green Publicity The GRA and its certified green restaurants have been featured in the following media outlets: NBC Nightly News, The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, National Public Radio (NPR) and etc (Green Restaurant Association). Cut costs In dine-green website mentioned that some restaurants that are green certified save thousands of dollars each year, and through the help of the GRAs consultants, are able to access rebates, incentives and other money saving programs. Improve staff productivity and morale Staff awareness of going green due to the fact that the industry is currently run by young entrepreneurs who are aware of the environmental issues. GRA have reported that staff productivity and morale increase upon their certification. Restaurant employees have demonstrated that they want to work for businesses that are making real, credible and transparent environmental changes. Being a part of the solution to our worlds environmental problems goes a long way in gaining a restaurant employees loyalty. (Green Restaurant Association) Increase in new customers and customer loyalty Eating out has always been considered a splurge or extravagance in the average Americans budget. The growing trend in restaurant dining is that consumers want to feel as if they have done something good, other than just having nice meal. This fact alone can drive in new customers and create loyal ones. (Green Restaurant Association) Stay ahead of legislation Environmental legislation for restaurants is sweeping across the world, from plastic bag and Styrofoam bands, to recycling mandates. More and more cities are in the process of either considering or passing legislation relating to matters of restaurants and the environment. Because Certified Green restaurants have already completed these important environmental changes voluntarily, when legislation strikes, the GRAs restaurants are able to continue running their businesses while their competitors are scrambling to comply with the latest mandates. (Green Restaurant Association) Industry perception of Go Green According to Oxford Dictionary for the Business World (1993), perception is an intuitive recognition of and an aesthetic quality; a way of seeing, understanding. Perception is the terms used to cover those processes, which gives coherence, unity and meaning to a persons sensory input. It involves all those processes we use to select, sort, organise and interpret sensory data to make meaningful and coherent picture of our world (Rice, 1993). cited by Ramli.K. I, Yusof.N.S Mohamed.M.B.HJ (2004). A frequent research by Hu.H.H, Parsa.H.G and Self.J (2010) said that knowledge of sustainable restaurant operation is an important determinant of intention to patronize a green restaurant. Although a restaurants costs go up when it installs pricey equipment to make its operation more sustainable and pays extra to source ingredients that meet sustainability standard (Going Green: Will Customers Notice? 2010), restaurant can easily make up these costs (Carley.N, 2010). For example, A restaurant that installs a $60 spray valve that release a maximum of 1.28 gallons per minute, compared to regular valves that release 2 gallons to 6 gallons per minute, can save $500 or more a year in water bill. Research Conceptual Framework Perception Awareness Understanding Acceptance Go Green Framework Awareness of going green The following are some points that will be made during the awareness stage. Awareness of the businesses on the green initiatives, Availability of information for these businesses about going green Understating green objectives The following are some points that will be made during the understanding stage. Existing knowledge on going green Knowledge on the impact of the current environment on not going green. Knowledge on how they can be profitable and have a sustainable business by going green Acceptance of going green The following are some points that will be made during the acceptance stage. Weather they are willing to invest in going green initiatives Participation in going green by changing business processes Investments into resources to go green Methodology Methodology of this research will be used base on the primary data and secondary data. Primary data will be collected by using survey questionnaires to the restaurant managers and owners around Kuala Lumpur. Secondary data will be gathered from the relevant academic journals, books, published magazines and articles, and also internet sources. Basically, the survey questionnaires will be distributed to three different types of restaurant such as: fast food restaurants, casual dining restaurants and semi-fine dining or fine dining restaurants. Approximately 30 survey questionnaires will be distributed as sample. The questionnaires will be demonstrated in demographic, attitude and behaviour study on each type of restaurants. This is to ensure there is a balance in different types of service restaurants owner perceptive on Go green concept implementations in Malaysia. The outcome of this survey will give better understanding on how restaurant owners aware and deep analysis of their understanding on this concept. And also it will help to indicate the best options of practices needed for the Malaysian market context. Secondary data will be collected from academic journals, books, relevant magazines and articles, and internet sources. This will enhance the better understanding on theoretical framework of Go green concept practices. In additionally, local government data and non-government organisation data will also include in this research. This is to clarify such concept has been performed in other industry sector as well as to identify the availability of Green supply chain in Malaysia. From above mention data collections, this research will shows industry perceptive on implementing Go green concept and it will also show the best options of practices for Malaysia market which may or may not be an exact practices to compare to other country. Project Timeline Weeks Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Introduction Literature Review Distributing survey Findings Conclusion Submission of Draft References Hu.H.H, Parsa.H.G Self John (2010), The Dynamics of Green Restaurant Patronage, Cornell University, vol.51 Issue.3, pp. 334-362. Schubert.F (2008), Exploring and Predicting Consumers Attitudes and Behaviours Towards Green Restaurants, The Ohio State University. Tauxe.C.S (2009), Shades of Green: Discursive Plurality in the Public Conversation on Sustainability, Green Theory Praxis: The Journal of Ecopedagogy, vol. 5 no. 1, pp. 14 25. Wallace.A (2005), Creating a Sustainable Restaurant Industry with the Green Restaurant Association. Going Green: Will Customers Notice?'(2010), Observer: Restaurant Hospitality, pp.20. Carley.N (2010), Going Green in many ways, Community: Franchise Focus, pp. 26. Ramli.K. I, Yusof.N.S Mohamed.M.B.HJ (2004) Measuring Service Quality in Gourmet Coffee Restaurants in Penang, Universiti Utara Malaysia. Restaurant Waste Minimization Guidebook, State Hawaii, Department of Health and Environmental Health Administration. Conserve Solutions for Sustainability (2010), Greener Restaurants à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ Wehmeier.S (2000) , Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, 6th edn. Great Britain, Oxford University Press. pp.590. Six Reasons to Become a Certified Green Restaurant à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢, Green Restaurant Association [ACCESSED ON 1st November 2010] What Is Going Green?, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business Nation [ACCESSED ON 18th November 2010) Green Glossary: Greening/Going Green, Union for Reform Judaism [ACCESSED ON 18 th November 2010] hat is a sustainable industry?, Ministry for the Environment Manatu Mo Te Taiao [ACCESSED ON 18 th November 2010] Appendixes Walt Disneys Leadership Style | Essay Walt Disneys Leadership Style | Essay Whenever people interact in the organization, many factors come into play towards improving an organizations effectiveness. There are factors that influence the behavior of the employees in any organization. Behaviors such i.e. commitment, cooperation, satisfaction, decision-making, motivation, competitiveness, turnover à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Etc, all impacts greatly the effectiveness of any organization. Leadership has sometimes been described as taking people to a place that they would not normally go to on their own. Once a sound strategic planning process has determined what that place should be it is the leaders prime and fundamental responsibility to assure that there is cultural alignment with the vision and that the full resources of the organization are effectively brought to bear to achieve that destination. These definitions tell us that leadership is a way of focusing motivating a group to enable them to achieve their aims. The leaders influence is non-coercive, which means that followers must consent to be influenced, which lead to that leadership is conferred from below, not above as leadership. Also leadership is a goal-directed activity. Followers consent to a leader exercising influence with a view to achieving something. This research would be a great opportunity for the researcher to get a better knowledge about the leaders influence on people and guided through their Endeavour to achieve organization objective. This report is about one of the most famous leaders whos name is known by everyone since childhood. This leader has created one of the leading entertainment businesses in the world. Walt Disney is the founder of Walt Disney Production which had a famous influence in the entertainment field in the 20th century. This report will analyze Mr. Walt Disneys leadership qualities and style. The report starts with a literature review on leadership, Walt Disney biography, his leadership qualities and styles, comments on his style and a conclusion to sum up the finding. The purpose of this study is to: To study the literature on leadership styles in organizations. To analysis the style and the role of leadership of Walt Disney and its effectiveness in reaching the organization objectives. To draw conclusions of what lessons we learn from Walt Disney case about leadership. Review of Literature Leadership is the process of influencing others to work willingly and to the best of their capabilities towards the goals of the leader. (Gallagher, K, Rose, E, McClelland, B, Reynolds, J and Tombs, S, 1997, P527) The word leadership has two common uses meanings: (A) It can be used to describe a process, in which non-coercive influence is used to direct and coordinate the activities of a group toward its objectives. (Rollinson, Broadfield, Edaward 1998). (B) To express the idea that follower perceives that a person has certain attributes or characteristics which enable him or her to exert influence over them (Rollinson, Broadfield, Edaward 1998). In modern society the words of leader and leadership carry a great deal of prestige. Thus many managers lay claim to being leaders, and some probably believe the position they occupy confer the mantle of leadership upon them. It is important to examine whether leadership and management are synonymous; are they, for example, just different words that express the same idea? The success of any group in any organization can be challenged by the effectiveness of the leader and his/her leadership qualities, knowledge leadership style. Leaders can be found in any group by default. Groups they tend to have leaders, and it belief that leadership is one of the -if not the most important- factors which determines whether a group, an organization, or even a nation will be successful granted a degree of power to influence subordinate behavior. An important leadership role is to manage and lead so the Leaders make speeches, produce written communications, listen and chat to colleagues, observe and respond to the needs and otherwise communicate for most their time in the organization. Leaders also interact with the external environment, with suppliers, markets, even competitors. What is more, leaders communicate in far more than words. For example leadership uses symbolic communication as part of a change management strategy. In a simple context, in organizations we can view leadership in: that the employees are willing to work in a more committed way with someone they view as a leader. The important of leadership Leadership is a concern for all of us. (We all share in the responsibility to contribute effectively.) Leadership is viewed and valued differently by various disciplines and cultures. (A multi-disciplinary approach gives better understanding of leadership.) Conventional views of leadership are changing. (The rapid pace of change requires new ways of relating to problems.) Leadership can be exhibited in many ways. (It is adapted to varying situations.) Leadership qualities and skills can be learned and developed. (Leaders are made, not born.) Leadership committed to ethical action is needed to encourage change and social responsibility. (Leaders must apply the highest possible standards of ethical conduct.) Leaders vs. Managers It is an important to the researcher to understand and defined the leader in the chosen Organization. Thus, to understanding the different between the manager and the leaders will help to focus in the right person once the interview taking place. Managers usually have goals or objective to achieve, and are expected to do this by the appropriate use of resources at their disposal. So mangers tend to adopt impersonal or passive attitudes towards goals. In order to get people to accept solutions, the manager needs continually to co-ordinate and balance in order to compromise conflicting values. In relationship with other people, managers maintain a low level of emotional involvement. Managers see themselves more as conservators and regulators of the existing order of affairs with which they identify, and from which they gain rewards. Leaders, they adopt a more personal and active attitude towards goals. Leader creates excitement in work and develops choices that give substance to images that excite people. Leaders have empathy with other people and give attention to what events and actions mean. Leader work in but dont belong to, the organization. Their sense of identity doesnt depend upon membership or work roles and they search out opportunities of change. So the important to organization come in a leader can have a strong influence on the behavior and performance of group members. While influence is a form of power, it is much more subtle from control than the naked use authority. Where leadership is exercised, followers willingly their own subordination, and because the whole situation is partly their idea they are more likely to be committed to performing well. Leadership Styles Leadership Styles is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people, there are normally three styles of leadership: Authoritarian or autocratic: when leaders sets directions and motivate people by reward and punishment. Predicative or democratic: when people are involved in decision making and leaders become more relation oriented. Delegative or free Reigan: when leaders delegate powers and people are more responsible. Walt Disney Biography: Walter Elias Disney is an American business leader who brought to the world the most famous entertainment companies in 20th century. He was born on December 5, 1901 in Illinois in Chicago in USA. His dream started when he loved drawing while he used to live in a farm and worked in selling candies and newspapers. After his coming back from the World War I in France, he worked at the Pesemen-Rubin Art Studio. Walter met Ubbe Iwwerks and they put up their own company Iwerks- Disney in 1920. The company collapsed eventually and they moved to work with Kansas City Film Ad. In 1922, he formed Laugh-O-Gram Films where he produced short cartoons and started producing Alices Wonderland. Before ending his production of Alices Wonderland, his company got bankrupt and he moved to Hollywood seeking direction job with no luck. He convinced his brother to finance the new company, Disney Brothers, and hired more people in 1925. The big success happened when they created Mickey Mouse which was his popular cartoon character and Disney regained from the loss of the Oswald character rights and his staff in 1928. He even got an Academy Award in 1932. Disney did well in the 1930s especially when he started producing full length features such as now White and the Seven Dwarfs and The Three Little Pigs. However, he faced a big break during the World War II. In the late 1940s, he start recovering when he start using Technicolor and sound scores in his work. In that period he started his vision for an amusement park which came true 1955. Walter Disney died in 1966 of lung cancer. His brother continued his dream and opened the Magic Kingdom in 1971. Walt Disney Achievements: Walt Disney is one of the largest media corporations worldwide. It is publicly traded in the New York Stock Exchange. The company has four main divisions: studio entertainment, media networks, parks and resorts and consumer products. The company owns ABC TV network, broadcast TV stations and lots of radio stations. The studio entertainment movies produced by Disney represent the meaning of family entertainment. Mickey Mouse, Snow White, the Seven Dwarfs, etc. are famous movies created by Disney and become legends for every kids and even adults. Disney Parks and Resorts is the place when you find all Disney characters. The company owns eleven theme parks in three continental, operates 35 resorts and two cruise ships. Disneys media network has arms in television, radio and internet industries. It includes television networks (ABC), radio channels, TV shows, etc. Disney consumer products started in 1929 which is mainly different products represent Disney characters in different sectors such as food beverages, toys, home dà ©cor, books, electronics, interactive games, fine arts, etc. Walt Disney Leadership Analysis: Walter Disney was so ambitious and enthusiasm to make his dream and the drop-backs he faced didnt stop him putting more effort into it. He was hard worker, visionary and devoted. As being creative is one of the main success factors in such businesses. Therefore, Walter had a passion in developing talents through training were he used to have evening classes for employees. He was a risk taker and a hands-on leader. He never stopped dreaming and never stopped trying pursuing his dreams. Since his start, he didnt stop working hard toward his goal even after many break downs happened to him in his early start. Walter was more relationship oriented as he cares a lot about his employees. He used to know each one by name and insist to call him with his first name Walter. He tried to make everyone happy and had a strong commitment to his employees. His main traits which helped him to be successful are: perseverance, passionate, dreamer, and highly imaginative and creative. These traits kept him focused in achieving his vision. Being in the entertainment business, these traits are the best suitable for him to be a leader in this area. He is also a risk taker and has courage to accept changes even with high risk. As he struggled in his early life with the bankruptcy of his early ventures, he still kept focused and took further steps to achieve his goals. He didnt change his career bath as result of the bankruptcy. Instead, he kept focused on his dream and believes as he saw an opportunity a head. He also changed with the new technologies and use technology as a way to be innovative. Walt Disney said When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable. This quotation describes his hard effort to achieve his dream. As a leader, he tried his best to have good relation with his employees. He worked closely with everyone in his company. He was willing to help employees to learn about animation. He pushed his employees to attend art school at his expense. This helped improving the quality of the work. Such attitude from Walter helped gaining the loyalty of his employees and increases their enthusiasm. He motivates people by sharing his ideas and concerns. He created a work environment where all work to gather in all business aspects. All discussion above shows how Walter communicated his vision and dreams to his employees. He was motivating them by involving them in his dream. He showed them the big picture and described his vision to them. They followed his lead with high enthusiasm to achieve his goals. Disney as a company continued toward success even after his death in 1965 and is considered one of the largest entertainment companies around the world. Mr. Walter is classified as transformational leader who influence people to follow him by his charisma. His way of dealing with people created trust, commitment and loyalty of followers which helped in achieving organizational goals and make dreams come true. Mr. Walter said: Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world. This keeps Disney moving forward and keeps it successful. Disney has the characteristics of transformational leaders of being idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration and inspiration motivation. These factors describe his charisma which made him a successful leader. Conclusion: How to manage people become the largest challenges in any organization and is the focus of researchers. Lots of theories have been found to describe different attitudes, behaviors and management practices in organizations and development in this science will never end. As long as people are the key driver of organizations success, managing them will be the first step to achieve goals. As long as there are different people working together, there must be managers who direct them toward achieving organizational goals. Managers guide people to do their work and instruct them in order to reach the organization goals. Managers have specific knowledge and skills to do so and follow lots of techniques to motivate people to follow their orders. Some managers become leaders who capture peoples willingness to follow them. Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things is a famous quote by Peter F. Drucker that distinguish between managers and leaders. This case shows that leaders have strong impact on people where they become followers rather than subordinates. Followers are inspired by their leaders to do their work. Napoleon Bonaparte quoted: a leader is a dealer in hope. This can explain the willingness of people to follow them. People believe on their leaders which motivate them to follow them. Its a common sense that people will do thing better if they are willing to do it rather than forced to do it. Walter Disney case shows how leadership makes difference. It also shows how people are inspired by leaders and how they willingness follow leaders. Disney being a transformational leader gained peoples respect and become a loved person. How he involves his staff in his work kept people committed even after his death. His company still successful and his visions are followed till date. People use his quotes as inspiring quotations to motivate others. He said: If you can dream it, you can do it. He also said: All the adversity, Ive in my life, all my troubles and obstacles have strengthened meà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ You may not realized it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. People are driven till now by his vision and still willing to follow his lead after his death. He put his fingerprint in all peoples heart. His dream become true and he is an evidence of how leadership important and how it makes differences.
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